Alexander The Great - His Influence in Persia

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) began to be known as Great when as a youth he was the only one of the King, his father and others to ride the monster horse brought to trade. While it had bucked and went into a frenzy with his father and the others, Alexander watched and took in what they were all doing wrong. He had to plead with his father for peremission to give it an attempt. First of all Alexander approached the horse from the other side where Bucephalus was being frightened by his own shadow.

The men of King Philips had all approached the beast from the nearest side to them, which had the horses shadow on the ground, causing the horse to occasionally bolt. Approaching him, Alexander kept his hands down, he spoke gently and lovingly, and he was soon stroking the animal and rubbing himself against it. Soon, Alexander was up on the back of Bucephalis and they were trotting around pleasantly. King Philip said that Alexander would need a larger kingdom to hold him, Macedonia was too small for him.

Alexander had as his tutor Plata, and enjoyed his school years at a private school built by King Philip for Alexander and other princes of Greece and nearby a kingdoms. Always, however, Persia menaced across the Aegean Sea, constantly making attempts by land and sea to conquer Greece, which was only a small series of kingdoms in contrast to the vast Empire that Persia had placed together, from Turkey through Asia to India, which Alexander conquered all and more, taking in down to Baghdad to Cairo.

The epic great battle that began the Greece influence coming into Persia was at the great battle in which the ten thousand soldiers under Alexander defeated the one hundred thousand Persians. Alexander wanted to change history and have a Greece influence throughout the lands controlled by Persia, and he succeeded in this greatly. In the end, however, at the death of Alexander one of his generals, the first king Ptomly was created when Alexander willed Egypt to his general as his territory. Cleopatra was of this Greece blood two centuries later.

During his take over of Persia, however, after such a bloody battle in which his men slaughtered the Persians with their sharpened sixteen foot long poles. Alexander however treated the Persians with civility and dignity. He did bring Greek law and many aspects of daily life that persists, as do architectural relics. He gave support and security to the royal family, the wife and children of King Darius, whose own men turned on him and killed him as the Greeks were winning the battle.

Alexander married Roxanne, the beautiful daughter of Darius. Alexander urged his men to also mix the blood of Greece and Persia with marriages. Some thousands of Greece soldiers obliged. Today in Iran or Afghanistan and elsewhere the name Alexander is part of a male name. All citizens of Greece Persia were to be given all rights of freedom, and the Greek soldiers were to be friendly and helpful. Today in Iran, once Persia, one can see many Greek columns on building relics.

Alexander wanted it to be that this great sea change of fortunes would be permanent and exist for a thousand years. But unfortunately after his death the territories were all parceled out to his various generals, each of whom tended to go his own way in governing. Truly Great, Alexander achieved this in his lifetime, even thought after his death it did not last. In contrast Rome was not built in one lifetime and controlled areas west of Persia for a thousand years.


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